Wednesday, July 9, 2008

reflections on my recent trip to spain

last time i was in spain (barcelona) was in 1999. since then, spain has joined the eu and adopted the euro, and the dollar's value has plummeted. so what the heck, perfect time to go back to espana!

i was fortunate enough that my trip was timed with spain battling germany for the euro cup. and, like many spanish, i watched the game rooting for spain. below are some video highlights of the celebration in sevilla.

another reason i visited spain was the food. currently, the us does not import the high grade jamon iberico (the us started importing the lower grade only recently). so, i was very pleased to enjoy jamon iberico de bellota. a lot. below is actually a video of a cool old school dude cutting a jamon serrano at his bar, antiguo cafe mundial, in cadiz. my picture and video taking prompted him to ask, do they not have ham in the philippines?

before going to spain, i have been enamored with wines from the rioja region. while i never went to rioja, i did try their varied selection. i also tried cava and sherry, both of which i enjoyed. i am currently enamored with pedro ximenez -- although i can only take it in small doses.

below is some cool stuff that servers do with the wine cork. pretty neat.

i had a fantastic time in espana. much thanks to simon, who was taking a break from writing his book, EAT MY GLOBE, for showing me around and making sure i ate lots and drank lots.

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