my grief
i miss my UCLA santa hat.
i wore it to a basketball game.
i wore it on the plane - on a game day before christmas when UCLA had basketball and football games.
unfortunately, i lost it (and a wool cap and a glove) on a night out filled with sangrias, kamikaze shots, carbombs, heinekens and grey gooses on the rock.
it makes me very, very, very sad to have lost my UCLA santa hat.
my anger
i love that UCLA santa hat.
so when a friend received his own UCLA santa hat as a present, i was happy for him.
he loaned it to MIRRIAM who wanted to wear it at a party full of u$c fans.
he agreed so long as MIRRIAM promised to return it before the game last saturday.
he made sure that MIRRIAM had his address so she can drop it off prior to the game.
what did MIRRIAM do? she did not return it until the day AFTER the game.
he called and texted prior to the game. MIRRIAM never responded.
he did not have the UCLA santa hat at the basketball or the football game -- which happened in one day -- on this big game day immediately before christmas.
i do not like MIRRIAM.
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