Saturday, August 11, 2007

got off scott-free?

ucla decided to reinstate eric scott today even though "During the investigation, previous incidents in Scott's background were discovered." karl dorrrell said "'Eric fully understands and is very clear on the importance of being a good role model and the standard of behavior expected of a coach at UCLA. He also recognizes that UCLA has given him the opportunity to further his professional career and positively impact the lives of many student-athletes.'" meantime, ad dan guerrero said "'While being supportive of the decision, I also reinforced with Eric the standards expected at UCLA.'"

hmmmm.... i hope scott can still be a good role model given his "previous incidents." perhaps, he can use such "previous incidents" as an example of NOT what to do and NEVER doing anything like those things again. otherwise, the "standards expected at UCLA" will be one big joke!

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