michael strahan of the ny giants was on a date with eddie murphy's ex-wife.
one table over, was lance armstrong with a group of dudes.
and of course, one table over was.... me.
i took off for the nowhere bar. a few minutes later, lance followed. and later still, strahan and his date followed.
that was funny.
btw, thanks to fc for the photo.
hey it sounds like cabo was fun. here is an article from the la times about tours that highlight ethnic neighborhoods of los angeles. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/los_angeles_metro/la-me-ethnic9jun09,1,1737680.story?track=rss
i don't know what you are doing on wednesday night, but i am going to in downtown la for a movie. i am meeting some friends at the edison bar around 6pm. it would cool to meet up with you again for a drink.
paul from ford's filling station.
hey thanks for the article. i can't make it to edison on wed but am planning to go with some friends on thursday.
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