so, here are my thoughts:
1. i had the dutch apple with caramel pie from the good people at homemade ice cream and pie kitchen. homemade claims that this was an original recipe. it was basically an apple pie with a caramel layering on top. what made this pie special (or fatty, if you are a half empty kind of person) was the caramel. it was like sweet on sweet. the caramel had a tad bit crispiness for texture. i enjoyed this pie, but then again, i have a sweet tooth.
2. i also tried this alleged kentuckian classic, hot brown, over at churchill downs (the place where the kentucky derby is held). it was basically a layer of many things: thinly sliced english muffin at the bottom, thinly sliced turkey, sliced tomatoes, mornay sauce, and topped with bacon and scallions. so here's the deal: i like english muffins. i like turkey. i like tomatoes. i like cheese. i adore bacon. and i like scallions. together though, it was a bit too much. yes, it was rich. too rich. and that was the problem.
3. finally, i had the mint julep. i tried two. one at some restaurant where it tasted like bourbon mojito with the grains of sugar noticeably grating on my tongue. the second one i tried, at churchill downs, was much better. i can't say that i am a bourbon person (or whiskey, for that matter) but the mixture of bourbon and sugar and mint was a lot smoother at churchill downs. nothing subtle about the mint julep though. this was still a very strong drink.
i am told that louisville has a lot more to offer. i can't say that i loved the food/drinks (at least, of what i have had so far). but i am not averse to checking out louisville's other offings.