9 am: after landing and checking in at the hotel, we immediately went to the saturday farmers' market at the ferry building. it cracked me up that there was a veggie valet.
10 am: tasting wines at the wine merchant at the ferry building. jason was our new friend. he had to be. we were there doing flights from 10 am till 11:30 am, and then again after lunch.
11:30 am: lunch. finally. at hog oyster island. or is it hog island oyster? still at the ferry building. we sat outside to enjoy the warm day.
this was the market salad with anchovies (or boquerones, as our server liked to call it).
kumamoto oysters
and of course, the star of the day, grilled cheese: i order it every. single. time. the bread was crispy outside. the inside was soft and full of melted cheese goodness from cowgirl creamery (next door). don't know the proportions but the cheeses were: mazzo secco, cave aged gruyere and fromage blanc. ummm. ummm. ummmm.
we saw other people order the crab and we decided we had to have it. sadly, i was not that excited with it. and i love crab. this particular dish was not warm and all the gooey goodness underneath that shell were all scraped off. the shell was cleaned out! the horror! note to self: stick with the grilled cheese.
our server bringing our third bottle of wine.
j and the vouvray.
2 pm: back at the wine merchant... these were three kinds of chocolates. don't remember where they were from. good with 2 bottles of red wine though...
8:45 pm: dinner time. this time at circolo in portrero hill. we started off with this tuna tartare. it was served with stale tasting chips. shame. however, the chunky tuna was good and i liked the seaweed salad bit.
this foie gras was ok...
this spinach salad was served with bits of swine. yep, those were pork, not croutons. brilliant!
this was my chilean seabass (i know, i know). i liked it nicely seared.
i am in love with crustacean's (in beverly hills) garlic noodles. and i measure every single bowl of garlic noodles to crustacean's. i really shouldn't. i always end up disappointed. and this was no exception. it wasn't garlicky enough and the noodles a bit soggy. but, it did it's purpose of soaking up the alcohol from my daytime festivities.
we brought our own cupcakes to circolo. these were from a place called kara's cupcakes. a lot of people rave about it. i don't know why. they were good enough, but nothing special. i had a chocolate chocolate (middle bottom) and a vanilla chocolate (bottom left). the icing in both weren't as sweet as magnolia bakery's (in nyc) or as rich as that ganache on the cupcakes from the now-defunct dainties (in la). but the cake themselves were light, which i liked.
so that was the end of 14 hours in sf. the rest of the time was spent dancing and sleeping. then, back to reality. home. sweet. home.
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